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Donation of the Tatrzański Orzeł/The Tatra Eagle

Professor Thaddeus. V. Gromada has announced the donation of the his documents containing the“Tatrzański Orzeł/The Tatra Eagle,” a bilingual, quarterly journal, dedicated to Tatra folklore. The Tatra Eagle was founded and edited by Dr. Gromada, Professor at New Jersey City University, with the assistance of Jane Gromada Kedroń. A portion of these valuable cultural materials is being given to PIASA, with the remainder, arranged by Anna Mlekodaj, Professor Podhalańska Uczelnia Zawodowa Nowy Targ donated to the city of Ludżmierz in Poland.  The Tatra Eagle archival documents representing an important body of materials about Tatra regionalism will be accessible to both Polish and American scholars and researchers.

For further information contact:

Dr. Thad Gromada

908 Scottish Rite Road Unit 322


North Carolina, 27407

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Co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland