The Polish Review

The Polish Review

Official journal of The Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America

Launched in 1956, The Polish Review has established itself as one of the most distinguished journals in the various fields of Polish studies, a publication that encourages lively scholarly exchange and cutting-edge innovation. The Review authors have included Stanisław Barańczak, Rachel Feldhay Brenner, Zbigniew Brzeziński, Anna Cienciała, Anna Frajlich, Roman Koropeckyj, Czesław Miłosz, and Antony Polonsky, among others.

Latest Issues

The Polish Review is a refereed journal listed in a registry of international peer reviewed Urlich’s Periodical Directory.

Submitting an article to The Polish Review

If you are interested in submitting an article to The Polish Review, we ask that you first read our submission guidelines at the following link:
TPR stylesheet (February 2025)

Manuscripts are to be submitted electronically to:
Halina Filipowicz
Editor-in-Chief, The Polish Review

Note: In previous years, TPR accepted manuscripts as Mac documents. This is no longer
possible. Manuscripts should be submitted as Microsoft Word documents via email attachments.

If you have questions regarding our submission or review policies, email us at:

For more information about The Polish Review, the latest issues, and a list of most read articles (some of them available free of charge), visit:

Editorial Staff, The Polish Review

open book

Publishing Young Voices

PIASA is accepting book proposals in all fields of the social sciences, history, and the humanities on topics related to Poland and the Polish diaspora. The proposal should contain no more than 10 single-spaced pages and be accompanied by a table of contents and the author’s C.V. or resume. The proposal should include not only a description of the project, but also information about the prospective length of the manuscript, plan for illustrations, and the intended audience. Upon initial review of proposal by a board of advisors, complete manuscripts will be invited for further consideration.

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Co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland